NEEF is the nation’s leading organization in lifelong environmental learning, creating opportunities for people of all ages to experience and learn about the environment in ways that improve their lives and the health of the planet.
Join an event on National Public Lands Day! Connect with the environment and make a difference.
Read the incredible story of how NEEF and DoD Legacy program united the Navy and native Hawaiians in restoring.
Lessons learned from a collaborative Greening STEM partnership between Teaneck Creek Conservancy, New Jersey.
DE&I is at the core of our approach, ensuring that all people have access to learn from our shared natural resources.
We build effective private-public partnerships that advance environmental education on our public lands.
We offer a variety of grants to help organizations improve the environment and engage their communities.
Congressionally chartered in 1990 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit to complement the work of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) is a non-partisan, non-advocacy organization working to make the environment more accessible, relatable, relevant, and connected to people’s daily lives.
Diversifying the future STEM workforce while building a youth conservation ethic
Developing employee engagement campaigns to meet CSR and ESG goals
Fostering a sense of stewardship through education and engagement on America's public lands
Offering a variety of grants to help organizations fulfill their mission to educate and improve the environment
a doctor smiles at a young girl during an environmental health screening" width="443" height="332" />
Providing resources and training for health professionals to address environmental impacts on health
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Creating memorable experiences to motivate individual commitments to positive action for the environment