Enrolment Period 29 April to 31 May 2024



Parents seeking enrolment in Kindergarten in 2025 are asked to complete an online enrolment form by Friday May 31, 2024.

Tours available

Friday 10 May - 10.00 am and 4.00pm

Monday 13 May - 10.00 am and 4.00pm

Wednesday 15 May - 10.00 am and 4.00pm

Information Night

Thursday 16 May - 5.30pm

1 to 1 tours with the Principal

By appointment. Please call the Front Office on 02 6258 3592

St John the Apostle is a co-educational Catholic primary school that reflects the charism of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart order. Their spirituality is 'to be on earth the heart of God' and we share that same aspiration. 'God is love' (1 John 4:8) and everything we do for students and their families is underpinned by this. We recognise that each young person is unique and we share a responsibility to nurture and grow them to their full potential. To do this our community strives to offer a safe and caring learning environment and provides opportunities and challenges that assist all students in creating a positive future for themselves and their community.